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-   -   Quick Tutorial on changing Invertory Slots (http://www.eqinterface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4060)

lunakin 11-16-2002 08:32 PM

Quick Tutorial on changing Invertory Slots
Assuming that people's UI's are as different as people themselves, I'm guessing there's a lot of peeps out there with 'useless' inventory slots stuck around their UI. I'm gonna try to explain how to turn them into slots you will actually use.

This will involve editing the appropriate .xml for the window you want to work with. TRUST ME, it's not that hard, don't go running away just because you don't like code. Stick with me, and I'll try to make it as simple as possible.

First, here is what an inventory slot looks like within the .xml:

<InvSlot item="InvSlot1">

It's not that bad, really, First it names itself, then it positions and sizes itself, then it figures out which background to use, then it figures out which slot to display. Finally, it declares some stuff that I don't ever mess with, heh.

Here's the lines that are important:


The only thing you HAVE to change to switch an inventory slot is the EQType, but if you want the slot with the right background, you need to change the Background as well (see how easy this it?) So...you're wondering, which EQTypes are which? Well, just look for Psychogears excellent post in this forum, and it will list them all for you, as I will also do:

Inventory EQTags

1 LEar
2 Head
3 Face
4 REar
5 Neck
6 Shoulder
7 Arms
8 Back
9 LWrist
10 RWrist
11 Range
12 Hands
13 Primary Slot
14 Secondary Slot
15 LFinger
16 RFinger
17 Chest
18 Legs
19 Feet
20 Belt
21 Ammo

22 inventory slot top left 1
23 inventory slot left 2nd
24 inventory slot left 3rd
25 inventory slot left 4th
26 inventory slot top right 1
27 inventory slot right 2nd
28 inventory slot right 3rd
29 inventory slot right 4th

Backgrounds are a little bit tougher, as many mods use different background pics that have different names than the expample above. I'm betting that most of them are based in the 'common sense' realm, tho. So it's basically a matter of changing 'EAR' to 'Arm' or 'Primary' Bags generally use the <Background>A_RecessedBox</Background>

All this editing can be done in Note/Wordpad, no need to download an .xml editor.

The hardest part is going to be finding the appropriate Inventory slot to change, as most modders don't use the default names for the slots when they move the out of the standard Inventory Window. They may add a 'PW' in front of the name if the slot is going in the PlayerWindow, or they may be called "miniinv" ( I think this is what Vert calls some of his slots....or is his Backgrounds?......)
The easiest way to find these will be to do a search/find for <InvSlot item> then to match up the EQType of the slot you want to change. This way you are sure you are changing the right box.

So, that's basically the deal. Let's go through it once again:

"I want to change the Ear slot on my PetWindowClickerPage to Primary"

1) Open up the EQUI_PetInfoWindow.xml in note/wordpad

2) Do a 'find' (click the binoculars) for "<InvSlot item>"

3) Look at the EQType for the <InvSlot item> the find function takes you to. If it's a 1 or a 4, you have found an ear piece. If it's any other number, repeat steps 2 and 3

4) Once you have found the slot you want to change, change the <EQType>1</EQType> to read <EQType>13</EQType>

5) Then, change the background from <Background>A_InvEar</Background> to <Background>A_InvPrimary</Background>

6) Save you new file

I know this is a bit rough, for a turorial, but it should give you a good start at making those 'useless' inventory slots on you new mod more usefull, that is, unless you are using Vert or Kao with Vert Hotkeys, then you get the luxury of the CCake program to change you slots around ;)

Please feel free to post with any questions or corrections!


aetch 11-21-2002 04:03 PM

outstanding post thanks.. exactly what I needed !!


Manntooth 12-10-2002 01:04 PM

It there any way to make a "Right Clickies" window that allows you to add whatever you want to the box like you do when adding items to the Hotkey Banks?

grottel 12-13-2002 09:16 AM

Mantooth - NO

Spetznatz 02-24-2003 05:52 PM

Very helpful
This thread was awesome. Bumping this. Suggest sticky.

Stoen 04-28-2003 11:20 AM

Great post for mod making!
Thanks! I'll be giving this a shot very shortly. You've definitely shed some light on a dark topic!


issey 06-11-2003 11:01 AM

motion to sticky, grin

or...one could make one sticky with links to all the posts like this one - sort of like the safehouse did in their forum: http://pub146.ezboard.com/fthesafeh...cID=12393.topic

I volunteer to wade thru the posts (a pleasure) and compile the basic title and link if someone will take the data and make it so....noncomputer geek here.

vigris 07-12-2003 05:18 AM

yes, Im a newb..
okie dokie, here goes..

Ive been staring at this code for about 10 minutes now, and I think Im starting to get it. I tried tinkering with your tutorial here to change my bottom two inv slots (25,29) into my primary and secondary slots, and everything seemed to be good.. I started up eq, and the patcher overwrote the changes I made. All I changed was the EQtype numbers and backgrounds to the two slots, so they matched the primary and secondary slot numbers. Was this right? Maybe you can correct my mistake..

Also, how do I change the inventory inside of a bag, as well as (if possable) add slots specificly to be Prim/Sec slots.. Its fer my new bard. lol

Jentraal 07-12-2003 09:19 AM

Is it different with CCAKE? I use vert/solaria and the readme file has no instructions how to use this program. I looked at the .xml file in solaria and it sort of looks like how you described it. Would the process be the same in changing slots?

Obviously, I don't know how to use the ccake.exe program included with the download. Has anyone written a good tutorial on how to use it?

lunakin 07-12-2003 11:16 AM

THIS is a good thread about what ccake does and how to use it.


Warbyvz 08-01-2003 08:43 PM

Couple things
I read through this and it is great. Glad I found such a great list.
Something that may be confusing though is

1 LEar
4 REar
6 Shoulder
9 LWrist
10 RWrist
15 LFinger
16 RFinger

People may think (I know I did) that when you put in the background picture that is the name you will do. When actually it isnt.

Is how it actaully is whether it is left or right does not matter for the picture.

If you put
It will not work

You just need
To make it work.

Ivy8 01-22-2004 10:33 PM

What did i do wrong?
Hmmm i tried this and it crashed my eq.
I changed this:
<InvSlot item="CopyOfPrimary">

To this::confused:

<InvSlot item="Invslot 7arms">

Did i do it right? Am I supposed to start the game fresh each time? I got my original from: Insom-casterplayerwin.zip All i know is it crashed my session of EQ.... any suggestions welcome, am bran new to this.
if you need to see the error log, i know it is some where but am not sure where to find it, :( noobie i know.

thankyou in advance

DayumKrazy 02-05-2004 12:22 AM

if I am not mistaken it should read this.......

<InvSlot item="Invslot 7">

hope this helps you :p

Ivy8 02-05-2004 01:11 AM

Hmmm oky i think i see what i didn't do correctly, thankyou for answering.

so the "InvSlot item" has a specific name... what is the format for this, just invslot # for all of them? then how did my original have "copyofprimary" as the name, that is not following the same format....

thankyou for your time
sorry if i am slow....

polmak 02-05-2004 04:19 AM

Excellent post, /give sticky :cool:

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