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lifty 08-01-2002 02:16 PM

compact rogue mod
it's good for a weapon switching rogue (gen inv slot 1 and primary weapon slot on the end there) that likes his information right around the mob's ass. i also find as a big circle strafer, that keeping the periphery as open as possible is the best practice.

please dload and use it/steal from it as ya like...

Compact Rogue

p.s. the pic is a bit distorted because of compression, it's quite smooth in game

Kelric 08-08-2002 08:57 PM

Nice... there are definitely some concepts I like for my rogue...Not sure about the pyramid look, but I can spread things out a bit more. ;) Thanks!

bordaen 08-08-2002 09:04 PM

Very nice.. im going to use this for my rouge and tweak a tad for the way i play. all i all nice job


Icithor 08-09-2002 04:37 PM

Great idea!
I think I'll try it. Good for loading off multiple poisons fast.

prudance 08-21-2002 03:21 AM

i like this skin a lot, but would like to have 2 more swap / inv boxes added to the 2 here. have tried to make more but cant seem to be sucessful in that... can anyone help me out .. like id like a ear box and a face box added to the end of the hotkeys.

Geraard 08-29-2002 01:05 AM

Looks good
looks good, and SEXY lol

Bummey 09-03-2002 11:44 PM

Lifty :P

Xoothie 09-30-2002 06:22 PM

looks good, but....
What are the numbers on the left and right of your /gu and the other chat window. They didnt pop up when i downloaded this. I though they might be your hits and when the mob hits you but when i made a new window for that it would say you pierce taskmaster for 60 dmg instead of just saying 60. So if it is hits then clue me in on how to shed the name of the mob that im hitting. Thanks for the help.


Pokit_Piker 10-03-2002 09:26 AM

Rogue UIs
heh... i like this UI pretty much.... except I dont like the DMG dealt and DMG taken parts....
If anyone could PLZ email me with some k00l roag UIs i'd appreciate it.


:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: DANCE NANA DANCE!!

GIR... i have your tacos..... gimme gimme!! i need tacos! i need them or i will explode.... it happens to me sometime =( I will give you tacos.. such tacos will i give!!!

Herod Antipas 10-09-2002 09:54 AM

Unfinished bidness
so did we ever get an explanation about the numbers on the sides of the chat windows? I'm guessing these were pulled from another .xml document and didn't get included in the download.

also, I haven't figured out how to get the two seperate chat windows yet. I'm a n00b to both EQ and its GUI manipulation, so if anybody has some 1337 information without making me feel dumber than I already do, I'd appreciate it

P34C3 0U7!
Herod Antipas
Your friendly neighborhood Dwarven Rogue
EQin it, :nana: -style, since Oct. 2002

Pokit_Piker 10-11-2002 04:18 PM

p0kit here.............. still waitin fer them UIs to come in........ gettin bored and need h0tt uis

and these nana's pwn u too ----> :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:

Grendahl 10-24-2002 01:38 PM

The text you are asking about is two transparent chat windows. Make a new chat window, right click it, and choose to filter your hits to one and your misses to another. Then, in that same right-click menu, choose the number only mode... not full or compact, but i forget what it's named.
I use a similar method, but I put my hits and misses, along with others hitting me in the same small window to the right side. It makes for less to scan during combat.


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