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Ainyan 01-07-2003 08:48 PM

Caster UI
This is a UI I've been working on the past few days. It's still heavily under work, just trying to get a feel of any ideas you guys may have:

In a general sense, it's made mostly for enchanters, as far as positioning and windows are concerned, however I think it would be useful for any caster class.

1) The auto-attack red flash surrounds the target, not the player. The actual target and player windows have been reversed to make this possible.

2) The pet window contains the 4 most used pet commands: Attack, Guard, Back, and Follow.

3) The cast spell bar is between the player mana and the XP bar in the player window. It shows only when casting a spell. There is no stamina bar.

4) The hot buttons cycle colors when you mouse over them =P

5) The HP bars are all multicolored. This isn't necessarily good for clerics, even though I can read it just fine. But it's easily changeable with a graphic change and color changes in the window_pieces01 and appropriate XML files.

It's a continuing work in progress. I'm adding new features and changing current ones as I type.


lomeosalsero 01-07-2003 09:17 PM

Almost Perfect for this caster, However...
Well it's almost perfect. I like it alot it's simple, sleak, and very well done. The only thing that could make it 100% to me would be percentages for all of the players main stats on the main window. Such as in the current skin I use now. Bloody Necro. A window with %s for HP, Mana, Fatigue, and Experience to next level so you don't have to constantly switch to inventory. If you put all that on the main screen then this would be my choice skin.

Ainyan 01-07-2003 09:41 PM

/point player window ?

First bar is hp, second is mana, fourth is XP, fifth is AXP. All of them show %s.

lomeosalsero 01-07-2003 11:38 PM

You know I did not even notice that the first time I looked at it. The resolution was big on my screen so when I scrolled I only noticed the bottom half. *Bonking myself on head* Sorry:D Well I do like this skin and plan to use it when you release it, especially now since you pointed out that it does indeed have what I was looking for. Keep up the good work.

Meiamour 01-14-2003 08:20 PM

Is there a way that the ammo slot can be put in extra slots? I tried changing it myself but it wouldn't let me. I chenged the number in one of the places to the ammo number and when I went to load the skin it went to the default skin.

I am a cleric and I love your ui. All I did was lighten the back and I can see the health bars fine. I just want the ammo slot by the hot buttons so I can click my horse when I can use it to med.

I really like this skin btw. Less busy then some I've seen and I like that.


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