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ryanfx 01-08-2003 08:27 PM

Spell Gem Request Please!
Hi, I like the new UI except one thing.

I absolutely HATE the new UI gems and casting.

Is there someway someone could possibly make a UI Gem Casting thing that looks like the original spell gems? If so this would be soooooooooooo much apreciated

Thank You


Tru_Soldier99 01-08-2003 11:59 PM

What class are ya?

ryanfx 01-09-2003 06:30 AM

I Play an enchanter / wizard / bestlord in that order so enc would be a higher priority

Tru_Soldier99 01-09-2003 04:26 PM

:\ I made a half decent one for druids, only thing keeping me from doing other classes was that I didnt know what spell icons and gems icons go with other class's spells. There might be somewhere out there that has that info, lucy doesnt, atleast not that i see. but if you wanted to list the icons for every spell id do it hehe. that would take time to list em out tho probably. sorry i couldnt get u a quick solution

Tru_Soldier99 01-09-2003 04:30 PM

That is I dont know what the corresponding spells icons were in the Old UI. I can find out what the new icons are but I dont know which old ui icons to change them to. Re-read it and it didnt sound clear

ryanfx 01-11-2003 07:19 PM

That would be great! I am a little confused on what to list. The spell gem pic? The spell name? The types of spells?

oishii 01-11-2003 07:53 PM

hey thanks so much for doing this :)

just wondering.. where did you get the graphics for the old icons? i may be able to help a bit.. if i could find a source of the old icons! :P

ryanfx 01-11-2003 11:25 PM

Maybe we can use the spell the gemiconsX.tga to get the old icons?

Tru_Soldier99 01-12-2003 02:16 AM

If you look in your everquest folder, open up the uifiles folder and than open up the default folder. In there is a file called "Spell_Icons.tga" that contains the original spell icons. I am not sure where spell gem icons are stored, if they even are. For those I logged into the game and took multiple screen shots of different gem icons and than did some ghetto cut and paste. But pretty much all you do is manual cut and paste the old ones into the new icon's place. Also, you need a tga file reader to view them. Ill look through my folders and see if I still have sreen shots of all the spell gems since we can't even use the old ui now

Tru_Soldier99 01-12-2003 02:24 AM

oh, and if we wanted to do it i would need to know the name of a spell and its old ui icon. not every single spell has to be listed since many lines of spells use the same icon. Like for me i knew skin like XXXX all had the same icon so I didnt check each spell individually. But just list all the major ones and than smoke test it to weed out the spells that got missed

ryanfx 01-12-2003 09:52 AM

I can list all of the major spell lines to you but should I just describe what the old gem looked like?

Tru_Soldier99 01-13-2003 11:00 PM

yup pretty much, the icons are easily distinguishable...Sow is a boot, aego is a shield, root is a plant (atleast for druids).

ryanfx 01-14-2003 06:25 PM

OK - see IF i can get all of these

Charm - red head thing
Clarity - blue head thing
root - dirt mound
our DD's - lol I forgot! pick something that looks magical
Strengthen - Blue arm
Invis - eyeball
Tashani - druid dot symbol i am pretty sure (the dog)
enchanting things - summoning symbol
shielding - yelow shield
bind - the cancel magic thing
str debuffs - look like red arms i think
PB stuns

I believe those are all of our spell icons... did I give u what u wanted?

ryanfx 01-14-2003 06:25 PM

and our dots... lol forgot those

Tru_Soldier99 01-15-2003 09:32 PM

Good start, I got started and after a few spells into it there was already a bunch of missing data... It's ok tho, I'm looking at this site for spell name reference to look up on lucy. It breaks down the spells into 42 categories, a bunch, but if you could look at that and see what spell icons u remember it would help. like Mez, haste, stun, I'm not sure on. Anyways check this out and tell me if u are able to remember anything http://members.tripod.com/xornn/Spells/spell.htm

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