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Aegil 07-27-2002 03:01 AM

AA Exp numbers
I have managed to code myself a few small changes to the UI, including adding Exp and AAexp bars to the player window, and a few other things...

Wondering if it would be possable to drop buttons on the bottom of that window to add another line like this.

[-] 100% [+] 0 / 12

where the + and minus are buttons for altering the aa Exp percentage (current is displayed between them) and the 0 / 12 represents current available aa points and total aa points earned.

If anyone feels like taking on this project.. post here and I will drop you my current player window modifications.


Sehan 07-27-2002 04:33 AM

Interesting Idea, I will take a look at it if you send me what you have so far.

[email protected]

psychogears 07-27-2002 01:18 PM

I think you can do it. It's just a matter of finding the buttons and labels where they exist, take note of any particular names that they have, and then duplicate them and put them in the window where you want them. I'm just wondering if you can have two of a button that does *exactly* the same thing... I'm not sure if you can have two arbitrary objects with the same name. You need to keep the names at whatever they are so the EQ program can know that when you press the plus button in your inventory or on your playerwindow it means "channel xp to AA pool +10%" or something.


Aegil 07-27-2002 01:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)
heres what I have so far... the bottom of the window will have to be extended...


Aegil 07-28-2002 05:27 AM


12 downloads on the file... anyone had any luck?


Goah 07-30-2002 08:22 PM


Was curious, did anyone figure this out? I am also interested in this idea.

Aegil 08-04-2002 04:10 AM

final bump
If I don't get an answer now... i'm giving up till MUCH MUCH later

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