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Ghesta 01-27-2003 10:14 AM

Quick question
Im working on modifying Drakah's awesome UI to my liking.

refrence this thread:

This is what I have so far:

My problem is this, when using the player window to look at your stats, the bottom 2 stats CHA and INT are cut in half, making them unreadable.

Could anyone tell me the values to extend the box downwards like 5 pixels ? Likewise, ill need to extend the size of the spell gem bar up 5 pixels to compensate.

Thank you.

Ghesta Icepaw
Luclin server

aviendha101 01-27-2003 10:38 AM

Well, I think I understand the problem you're having....

So look for the following code in your EQUI_PlayerWindow.xml file:

<Screen item="PlayerWindow">

...within that section (a couple lines later) you should see something like this:


The CX value is the WIDTH of your window (in pixels) and the CY value is the HEIGHT of the window.

Hope this helps!

Ghesta 01-27-2003 10:58 AM

Heres an updated pic... ill try what you suggested. thank you very much


Ghesta Icepaw
Luclin server

Ghesta 01-27-2003 11:30 AM

Hmmm I tried modifying those values, but nothing changed.

Is it because its a combonation window ?

sc2kmayor 01-27-2003 12:01 PM

Is the bottom barrier part of a window that is covering up the info?

May just need to unlock the barrier bar and move it down some...

Chronwaas 01-27-2003 12:46 PM

Why not just move those two values up where they are suppose to be so that they show up correctly instead of trying to move the bottom of the box down.

To do that just go into your player window and search for the two part that describe the CHA and Int stats. Just do a search for CHA. Once you find the right section make the following changes(of course your values will be different, but these are some examples of what you will need to do)

<Y>32</Y> Change to: <Y>26</Y>
Do this for both parts of the CHA piece. The label Text and the Label Number. That will take care of moving your CHA graphic up 6 pixels in this example.(which is about how far it looks like things are off by, hard to tell exactly with out knowing exactly your resolution but that is my best guess. you will probably have to adjust this number depending on how close or far from the correct value you get.)

Then do a search for the INT values and to the same changes to them so that you keep the CHA and INT on the same line.

With some adjusting you should be able to get it so that those two values show up in the right place and your window size will not have to change. Also I would suggest that you go back in a remove any changes that you made to the size of things from other parts of this thread. That way it does not throw anything else off. Since as far as I can tell in your screenshot of the issue the two values are just too low and need to be moved up.

If you like you can attach your player window xml file here and I will take a look at it make the adjustments and document the changes and give it back to you so that you can see what I did and be able to learn how the changes were made so that in the future you will be all set to do it on your own the next time this type of issue comes up.

Ghesta 01-27-2003 01:14 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Sonavaa - no, its not.
Trust me, i tried that, hehe, woulda felt like a total n00b if that was the case tho, huh ?

Chronwaas - wow, could you ? That would rock, hang on... heres a zip file.

Theres all the xml files that are used in Drakha's UI that ive been working on....

If you don't mind would you take a quick peek at the spell gem window too and see if you could stretch that upwards ?

Thanks in advance.

Chronwaas 01-27-2003 02:22 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hey Ghesta, Here is the one window fix that you are looking for. I have moved the two sets of values up to where they should be. I have attached just the changed file for it so all you have to do is unzip this file to your skin directory and then open EQ and you should be good to go.

What I need you to do for me though is attach your "UI_CharName_ServerNumber.ini" file for this character from your Everquest directory so that I can see what you are asking for with respect to the Spell window.

Also with that can you give me a little more detail as to what you would like to hapen with this spell window?

Ok sorry about that but for some reason the original file attachment was missing the Documentation in the file. I have reattached the file now with the correct one and this should help you out. Just look down through the file for the INT and CHA values. I have marked above them what I did. There were four changes over all to the file that I made for you.

Chronwaas 01-27-2003 03:01 PM

Never mind I found the UI file. Just let me know a little more detail about what you want done with the spell window.

Chronwaas 01-27-2003 04:06 PM

Hey Ghesta, What screen resolution are you running at and can you make a new screenshot and attach it to here. the other links you have to screenshots are no longer working so I can not see what it looks like on your system. So if you can attach a new screenshot file to here it would help.

Ghesta 01-27-2003 04:12 PM

1 Attachment(s)
GDI damn 20m.com

sorry bout that....

1280x1024 is the resolution its set to run at... don't think it runs at other resos. But I might make that a project eventually.

Ghesta 01-27-2003 04:14 PM

Oh, also, the target window has a graphic *.tga file that its associeated with... I don't like it. heheh

Thus the target bar has a clear background. Incase you were wondering about that.

Chronwaas 01-27-2003 05:30 PM

Ok this is wierd. For some reason the Attachment is not working. It comes up blank.

Chronwaas 01-27-2003 06:01 PM

Ok, One more thing. Can I get you to zip up the rest of the files in your skin dir. I need the graphics files and stuff so that I can work on the files. As it is I can not bring up the skin without a bunch of errors so if I could just get all the files you have in your skin dir it would make things easier.

Ghesta 01-27-2003 11:09 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok, i tried but the zip was too large for the upload, so what ill do is this.....

Heres my UI_Name_server.ini file... you can find the rest of the files, practically unmodified from Drakah's ui here....


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