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Remelio 02-06-2003 11:27 PM

Fix For Gauge Offset Problem
Please Note the 2/7/03 Emergency Patch has fixed this issue - Any windows that were changed should still work just fine though, and I really do recommend doing things this way anyway.. makes it easier on everyone in the end run anyway ;)

Hats off to the eq team for getting this fix in before the weekend - good job guys!

Original post follows:

This seems to be related to the "hey lets toss all the windows off the visible edge of the screen" problem that was introduced in todays patch.

Basically any gauge that is set outside the border of the window, also appears to for some reason shift that many pixels to the left as well.. HP gauges do this a lot because they were lazy and let the name label show at the same time as the gauge, instead of having a name label and a gauge item.

I am in the process of fixing this on my mods, but I will give you an example so that you can fix your own mods.

Please note these are only pieces of a mod - don't copy and paste these as fixes ;) Only meant for examples.


<Gauge item = "Player_HP">



<Gauge item = "Player_HP">


I am in the process of fixing all of my player windows - they will be updated shortly.

Dolby 02-06-2003 11:35 PM

Thanks for the great info Remelio!

Moved this to the dev forums. :)

Braellaen 02-06-2003 11:50 PM

thanks for the info remelio...
Thanks for the info, now i'm working on figuring out how to interpet that ... lol... i'm having that exact problem w/ my HP bar, and i can't figure out how to make it go where i want it... *sigh* maybe u can help me out... lemme know ;) i know yer a busy man, but i'd surely appreciate the help, and will also understand if yer too busy ;) latah.

Fyste 02-06-2003 11:57 PM

/cheer !

Remelio 02-06-2003 11:59 PM

Basically just re-format the gauge so it all fits on screen instead of going offscreen.. instead of hiding the name by having it display offscreen, hide the name by using the textoffset command to make the name appear below the bottom of the gauge.. since the textoffset is 30 in my example but the window is only 8 pixels tall, the text for the name is never seen..

That make more sense?

Braellaen 02-07-2003 12:05 AM

i think so, i'll play with it some more... and see where i end up


well, what u posted makes perfect sense, unfortunately, my bar just likes to go poof... *sigh* *continues to play w/ it some more*

Wink 02-07-2003 12:23 AM

Well im very new to customizing UI's. I just today had my very first mix and match ui posted Bluefantasy_Melee_ver.zip my mod is having the migrating issues on group window, Keizloc mod , UI Timer, and map mod from Everquest toolbox, im working on the fix right now for these problems, will upload updated skin when its completed. I also want to note that VI is having issues even with default windows migrating off screen, the gauges themselves may not be but windows are....im thinking there fix for that will most likely also fix the migrating gauges, although you may have to reinstall the UI AFTER VI fixes it to restore all your gauge positions to there original spot

Braellaen 02-07-2003 12:43 AM

Thanks Remelio
thanks for all the info / help... ;) got my UI fixed... now to continue to work on it ;) (damn them lazy verant ppl)

Remelio 02-07-2003 12:44 AM

Actually, the way I fixed it will work even without this bug as well, so you can edit your files and not have to worry about it again (unless they accidentally mess something else up of course!)

draxsahr 02-07-2003 01:19 AM

WOOT!! The fix worked!!
Thanks for all your hard work Remelio. It is much appreciated!!!

Buzzyrd 02-07-2003 01:26 AM

I hate being an Ediot! Alot of my Drakahmain is moving all over the place. I wish i could figure this stuff out.


Wink 02-07-2003 08:44 AM

I THINK i fixed my ui the way you described here, my hp gauge is lining up and i got the name back off the screen, hope this is a perma fix, dunno if i did this completely right though.
Thanks for all the info and help Remelio

Phil_xxx 02-07-2003 09:08 AM

Can someone explain this fix to the non xml programmer.

- I have 3 or 4 windows that move
- Do i have to apply this to each window (ie each equi file) ?
- If yes , how do i recognize the important parts ?

Sorry for sounding dumb, but i am ;)

sc2kmayor 02-07-2003 09:34 AM

<Gauge item="Player_HP">
<wholebuncha stuff>

Let's look at the above code.
<Location> indicates where an item (in this case a guage) begins
<size> indicate how much actual space this item takes up > BUT if the graphic is not resized, or it is like the HP gauge name+gauge, then the area may not be 'filled' with the item.
<OffsetX>+<OffsetY> are used to move PARTS of the whole around in relation to the starting point <Location>

We want an HP gauge with it's nice red color, but do not want a name displayed.
Up until last night the standard was to START <location> the guage off the screen <X>-30</X> and stretch the size <CX> of the viewable gauge area to come back on the screen <CX>200</CX> and then <GuageOffsetX>40</> reposition the guage back into the viewable area.

Last nite's patch made the positioning of Windows and Gauges in the NEGATIVES - freak out. So to compensate, we need to take the WHOLE Guage <location> and put it back in the window <X> 5 </X>. Then to get rid of the text name we need to shift just the TEXT, not the whole guage <TextOffsetX or Y>-80</> so that we cannot see it in the viewable window, but so the eqgame.exe or dll or stupidpatch.dll will read the guage as ON THE PAGE instead of saying 'Oh, you want this item not shown.'

Clearer? Hope so. This stuff is sometimes hard to express without a whole chapter and lots of examples.
...another translation>other post: http://www.eqgui.com/showthread.php...33417#post33417
Chronwaas has an interesting point listed here too: http://www.eqgui.com/showthread.php...33686#post33686

So in addition to the guages starting off the Left of the page, maybe the image definitions sizes that overlap the Right are also doing some shifting, but the whoel window in that case.....Just trying to link up a lot of similar information so when I check back later I can see it all in a thread.

Phil_xxx 02-07-2003 09:40 AM

I think that makes it clear for me :)

Thanks alot , cant wait to get home and try it out

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