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-   -   How many people get motion sickness playing EQ? (http://www.eqinterface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7217)

Sokol 02-28-2003 08:37 PM

How many people get motion sickness playing EQ?
I have been toying with the idea for awhile of making an 800x600 view port to ABOUT 600x400 version that would look a bit like Vert that resembled the old layout of EQ. My wife suffers from motion sickness and I hacked her an old copy of the Oldschool UI (Nice work there) :)
But I'm thinking if enough people would benefit from this it's time to actualy put this together. SO here's a poll.

Do you suffer from motion sickness while playing EQ?


dethnyte 02-28-2003 08:46 PM

Only if I'm levitating or in wolf form... the bobbing really kills me.

Basilides 02-28-2003 08:55 PM

My girlfriend suffers from this, too. So much so that she quit playing, so I think that this would be very useful!

majicman 02-28-2003 10:32 PM

gta 3 makes me sick. doom did too

kasca 03-01-2003 02:23 PM

Ya me to levie sucks.

Its a know fact that there are some who get sick from 3d games. If i remmber right its becase of perifual(?) veiw. We use it more than others. Our brain dont like fact that nothing moving there.

I find playing in the dark with a small light works wonders.

Kelric 03-01-2003 02:59 PM

Not since the first time I played Doom! :p

<hides his age> :D

My wife does sometimes, especially indoor zones - some nights she won't even go into the city because of it. Outdoors seems to be fine, it's just when those walls come up,

Tarisk 03-01-2003 03:20 PM

only 2 games I've ever gotten motion sickness in. the original Wolfenstein 3d, with the way fast bobbing weapons and simple textures zooming by fast as hell, and for some reason, Jedi Knight 2 single player, the corridors and going in circles got me pretty dizzy.

RedBishop 03-01-2003 03:23 PM

My girlfriend gets motion sick after playing for a while, as well. She doesn't get it as bad since Luclin came out, but still can only play for an hour or two before nausea sets in.

Great idea! There's probably a lot of people who can benefit from this kind of mod. Perhaps there could even be a version for larger resolutions as well?

Divax 03-01-2003 03:35 PM

After Play for a while it bothers me.... Lev, SoE.
And the wep slashing bothers me too. I have a piercing wep and i hate it when the screen moves all over the place. Is it possible to stop it from moving what so ever?

-Divax Glorie
60th Pally

Tarisk 03-01-2003 03:41 PM

I myself am also a rogue, I've somehow made it so I have no fighting animations when in first person, but I'm not sure how, i fixed it by sitting and standing again. I actually dont like not seeing it because its harder for me to tell if I'm hitting or not.

Asmodyeus 03-01-2003 04:16 PM

Personally i have never experienced any sort of motion sickness playing any games. None of my friends get it either, but i geuss it is a possibility of getting some sort of motion sickness. I play EQ with a small lamp by the computer and in a comfy chair that is far fromt he screen. Probably try being furthar away from the screen when playing, that might be able to help with any problems.

Good Luck,

Haliken 03-01-2003 05:12 PM

I don't get motion sickness from games (or anything for that matter) but a friend of mine does if he plays first person games that take place in small enclosed areas (tunnels, small hallways). I have my computer (both monitors, speakers, keyboard and mouse) all on the floor and I keep my face maybe 8 to 12 inches from the screen (17in. main monitor, 19in. to my right), both set to resolution 1280x1024 with EQ in a 1024x768 window. I have good eyesight, and it hasn't gotten any worse (have sat close to monitors for the past 10 years or so). I use EverTalk (http://everbot.cjb.net) to have my in-game chat spoken so I only have to read it if I missed something. Not sure why I said all this, oh well.

Dolby 03-01-2003 06:08 PM

Moved out of the released forum since this is not a released UI yet.

Caleal 03-01-2003 07:24 PM

I don't get motion sick, but for some strange reason, I get eyestrain headachs if I play with any UI that leaves the viewable area taking the full width of the screen.

Cedrus 03-01-2003 07:27 PM

I get motion sickness in zones crowded with PC's, i.e., the Bazaar. Gets so bad I have to zone. Not sure what causes this, but its quite annoying. I would give the UI a try - probably something a number of people would appreciate.

Cedrus Sylvanheart
62 High Elf Cleric

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