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Daellig 03-10-2003 08:45 PM

Daellig 2.0 for 1600x1200 & 1280x1024
You can download Daellig 2.0 HERE

You can download the SkinPack for it HERE

This is the 2nd generation of my GUI.

Once again, I would like to give credit to Thomus King, Remelio, Xymarra, Gendal, and Arista.

This version contains NUMEROUS enhancements over the last.

This GUI is designed for resolutions 1600x1200 AND 1280x1024!!!!

Windows skinned in this version include:
Effects (Buffs)
Short Duration Buffs (a.k.a Bard Box)
Pet Info.
Spell Book
Spell Bar
Spell Cast Gauge
Air Gauge
Containers (Backpacks etc.)
Item Information
Give Window (For handing items to merchants)
Item Counter (for picking items out of a stack like bone chips)
Music Player
Book Window
Note Window (like guild newbie notes)
Confirmation Dialog (like when you delete something)
Expanded Bank (NOT the old Bank)
Skills List (accessible from the Inventory)

I have also included all available class animations from Thomus King. If you have an old class animation and would like a new one, please check Thomus King's website at: http://pub10.ezboard.com/fmaximus94788frm10

I MAY release other windows as time permits.

I have also included 2 version of the group window. Once is for casters and has the player’s mana and pet on it, the melee version does not. They are located in the \Daellig\Group Windows subfolder.

The new GUI now supports SkinPacks! This means that you can EASILY change the look and feel of the entire GUI by changing just a few files. I will be posting a large SkinPack as a separate download. It will contain 3 sets of backgrounds, 6 different filigree patterns, and 13 Spell Books. ALL Graphics are courtesy of Thomus King!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Thomus King spell books have been slightly Modified for use with this GUI and ARE NOT COMPATABLE by default. As new books become available, I will try and post them. Thomus King class animations ARE COMPATABLE as are his Inventory Windows.

You will need to unzip the GUI into a folder in your Everquest\uifiles\ folder. You can call it Daellig for example so the full path would be something like C:\Program Files\EverQuest\uifiles\Daellig. You MUST use the appropriate ini file, XML, and Graphics from your corresponding resolutions folder. e.g. If you run 1280x1024 you will need to copy all of the files from the \Daellig\Resolutions\1280x1024 folder into the \Daellig folder overwriting any other files there. Once you have done this copy the ini file from \Daellig\Resolutions\1280x1024 into your Everquest directory. You will then need to rename it to have your character name and server number in it. This information can be found by looking at your other character ini files. For example if your character is named Bob and is on the server Tarew Marr then you should see a file named UI_Bob_50.ini. Rename this file to UI_Bob_50.bak and then rename the ini file you copied from \Daellig\Resolutions\1280x1024 to be UI_Bob_50.ini.

Things to know:
The actions window is a permanent part of the GUI. It is located in the lower right corner of the GUI and can be used to perform the same functions as the Pet Information window. I have also added 2 additional tabs to the window. Once includes all of your current statistics, the other contains a 10 Hour timer. The code and graphics for the timer are from Arista. http://www.horizonsoutpost.com/eq/timer.asp

The Music Player now appears near the Compass and can be turned on and off by pressing Alt+K.

The Buff and the Short Duration Buff Windows WILL ALWAYS appear behind the surrounding graphics whenever you log into EQ or Zone. If you need to access the buffs, you MUST press Alt+B Twice in a row or Alt+E twice in a row for the short duration buff box. There is no way to fix this since it is a limitation of the GUI as designed by Verant. I have modified the graphics so that you should be able to easily tell if the buffs are behind the other windows.

The Compass and the top portion of the Item Information Windows use graphic textures larger than 256x256. This means that they may not display correctly on some computers using older graphics cards. There is no work around for this due to the way Everquest creates window borders.

You may need to change colors in the Chat windows for you to be able to read the text depending on your background.

The Pet and Selector windows are used to create the Left and Right Borders on the Viewport. The Actions window can be customized to have the same functions as the Pet Window. As for the new features available in Legacy of Ykesha like the Map, they can all be accessed with shortcut keys. E.g. by default the Map can be activated by pressing the backspace key. To check what keys activate what windows, please check your options by pressing Alt+O then looking at your Keyboard|UI commands.

All Windows that used to have a close button and no longer do can be closed by pressing the Escape key. The only exception to this is the Friends Window which is opened and closed by pressing Alt+F.

Again thanks to Thomus King for his wonderful artwork, Remelio and Xymarra for their coding expertise, Gendal for SidlWidl, and Arista for the timer code.

The new GUI now supports SkinPacks! This means that you can EASILY change the look and feel of the entire GUI by changing just a few files.

This SkinPack contains 3 sets of backgrounds, 6 different filigree patterns, and 13 Spell Books. ALL Graphics are courtesy of Thomus King!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Thomus King spell books have been slightly Modified for use with this GUI and ARE NOT COMPATABLE by default. As new books become available, I will try and post them. Thomus King class animations ARE COMPATABLE as are his Inventory Windows.

To install any of these graphics simply copy the files from their corresponding subfolder e.g. \DaelligSkinPack\Filigrees\Lore into your Daellig GUI folder. e.g. \EverQuest\uifiles\Daellig overwriting any files that are there.

You may need to change colors in the Chat windows for you to be able to read the text depending on your background.

In order to use different skins for different characters you will need to create a new folder under \EverQuest\uifiles you may want to call it DaelligBob if Bob is your characters name. Then proceed to copy all of the files in your \EverQuest\uifiles\Daellig folder into it and modify each GUI separately. Remember to also use the new ini file for each character as detailed in the ReadMe file for the Daellig 2.0 GUI. You will also need to edit your characters UI ini file and change the line UISkin= to be UISkin=DaelligBob if that is the name of your customized GUI.



Ebonri 03-10-2003 09:00 PM

I've been using the Daellig 1.0 GUI (and because I know him personally - some updates!). I thought that one was just, well, awesome...this one rocks my EQ world! I have to use it or playing just isn't the same.

Once you see all the functionality and true graphical beauty, you'll never again play with a lesser skin.

Two Thumbs up!:D

hortania 03-10-2003 09:32 PM

i wish 1024 x 768 version of this great and perfect UI... oh please !

jevik 03-10-2003 09:58 PM

Dont Work =(
Im sad when i try to open the Zip file it says that it's invalid or corrupt what do I do i want this UI really bad

Daellig 03-10-2003 10:47 PM

Im sad when i try to open the Zip file it says that it's invalid or corrupt what do I do i want this UI really bad

Try downloading it again. A friend of mine downloaded it and it worked fine.

i wish 1024 x 768 version of this great and perfect UI... oh please !

I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY doubt I will be making a 1024 version.


jevik 03-10-2003 10:53 PM

I DL'd it again. Didn't work. Could u try sending me the file via email my address is

Daellig 03-11-2003 12:40 AM

I DL'd it again. Didn't work.

I just verified with some other folks. All of them downloaded and extracted it fine. I even did it myself.

All I can say is that it sounds like you have a bad connection to the server. You may want to either reconnect, or try downloading at an offpeak time to reduce lag and packetloss.

You also really don't want to put your email address on message forums. You may want to edit your post and remove it. I also do not have a way to email files of this size so email is not an option anyway.


Wildarie_Ranger 03-11-2003 01:15 AM

okay I cannot click my spell gems they just sit there what is going on?

How do I fix this??

BTW THANK YOU DAELLIG!!!!! you rock I have been waiting for this for SO LONG!!

dethnyte 03-11-2003 01:49 AM

This is an amazing UI... the only thing that I don't care for is the fact that I can't change the background color of the chat windows to black. I can change the border... but for some reason not the background. Any ideas?

Makani 03-11-2003 04:08 AM


I been looking forward to this! Downloading now!!!

jevik 03-11-2003 04:20 AM

Hey I finally got UI to work and inside my Inv the picture is all distorted like it's too big i dunno what to do. I'm running it at 1280 X 1024 so if you have a suggestion please tell me thanks in advance:D

Teannas 03-11-2003 05:52 AM

Awesome... but ...
Man I love this UI and this is why I have afew questions about possble changes I can do or be seen done.

1. Possiblity of changing the spellbar from horizontal to being able to use say someone elses?

2. Instead of the 21 buff boxes, could I have 10 in the middle and maybe 4 slots of bags and 4 slots of inventory on either side?

3. also if I want to use someone else spell gems such as the WC3 spells gems and gemicons is that possible?

as of now the spellbar and its circles wont do much for the WC3 gem icons.

If u need me to draw this out for you or if there is any way of doing this myself please please contact me. I am so looking forward to possibly changing this , just a bit so it suits my needs.

Totally aweosme job and I know for sure that many will be overly please with your fine efforts.

Makani 03-11-2003 07:15 AM

How would I go about adding Filligree around the windows you did not modify?

I'd like to modify the windows with that so that they are at least uniform. Is that possible?

Daellig 03-11-2003 09:57 AM

okay I cannot click my spell gems they just sit there what is going on?

Try pressing Alt+S twice in a row. If you are referring to the Buffs, press Alt+B twice in a row. The Buffs load behind the other windows. There is nothing I can do about this.

This is an amazing UI... the only thing that I don't care for is the fact that I can't change the background color of the chat windows to black. I can change the border... but for some reason not the background. Any ideas?

Without directly modifying the chat graphics and XML there isn't much. The Fine Marble backgrounds in the SkinPack works very nice in my opinion.

Hey I finally got UI to work and inside my Inv the picture is all distorted like it's too big i dunno what to do. I'm running it at 1280 X 1024 so if you have a suggestion please tell me thanks in advance

I know. :( I put the class animations in the autoequiup area of the inventory to conserve space. They are now twice as wide and twice as tall as they used to be. They really aren't distorted, but rather enlarged. Some of the animations look better than others when enlarged. p.s. I feel kinda bad making t.king's work look bad.

Possiblity of changing the spellbar from horizontal to being able to use say someone elses?

In theory this should be as simple as installing the other users mod over this one. Which Spellbar were you referring to? I may take a look at it to make sure.

Instead of the 21 buff boxes, could I have 10 in the middle and maybe 4 slots of bags and 4 slots of inventory on either side?

This isn't possable due to the way the interface handles Buffs. All 15 from the original effects window need to be in the same window for it to work, so I cant limit it to just 10. This is the same for the new 6 from the bard box. That is why there is 21 total.

also if I want to use someone else spell gems such as the WC3 spells gems and gemicons is that possible?

You can use someone elses spell icons yes, however you will need to replace them for the large spell buffs as well as the small spell icons. (Buff Bar and memorized spells). You cannot replace the gems in which they sit without seriously modifing the GUI.

How would I go about adding Filligree around the windows you did not modify?

I'd like to modify the windows with that so that they are at least uniform. Is that possible?

It is possible, however it is a HUGE pain to do. The easiest I can say is look at the other files and you will see how I did it. Each piece of filigree is added 1 at a time, and there are a LOT of them.

I am also likely going to do several of the remaining windows and release them as an AddonPack for the GUI in a few weeks or so.

What windows were you referring to specificlly?


Lanys.Neoconker 03-11-2003 11:04 AM

I remember the firs time you came out with your very first and new one. I was so happy. Used it for a while, but I was getting a bit of lag, so had to revert back to Drakah's UI. Now with a 1280x1024 version available, I may be able to use it again. Checking it out when I get home! Good work Gillead! ;)

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