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Wolfran 08-10-2002 01:46 PM

Shaman interface
A little busy for some people, but I'm an info hound.

Most of the windows were made by others, with some modification. For instance, I took Asmyr's buff box, moved the numbers to the other side and made them white and centered the text. This made it more like the casting window on the other side, which was made by Mafoo...to which I added a mana bar, casting timer bar below it, and a spellbook button that matches the rest of the buttons. I'm a mouse clicker, so the big spell "gem" buttons are really nice.

Player and group windows are mine. Target bar is Geddine's, of course. I also have Oguler's spellbook and a custom inventory (not shown) and the wooden background and button mod from...ummm...Starfix of Antonius Bayle.


Don't have a zip for it, but if you're interested in any individual part or the whole thing...[email protected]

Wolfran 08-19-2002 05:05 PM

Didn't expect my UI, which is mostly other people's work that I tooled around with, to get much response. 15 emails later...

In any case, to all those that have emailed asking for this UI in a ZIP: Instead of emailing it out to everyone, I'll post a current one in the Released section, including a UI_char_#.ini file for placement.

I've switched from the wood-like backgrounds and buttons to the Vert-style, but I'll include both sets of background files in the ZIP for fun.

In any case, thanks for the kind words about this little thing. I was basically just throwing stuff together that fit my own aesthitic sense and playstyle and posted it here cause the screenshot looked nice :p.

Cordanim 08-19-2002 05:11 PM

Ok bud, all I can say is...

:nana: :nana: :nana:


Very nice work and I, for one, love it!

I will show this to all my EQ friends - this is just beautiful...

/drool off

Wolfran 08-20-2002 03:20 AM

Big downloads but:

New screenie showing spellbook, inventory, etc. in Vert style graphics

'Nother screenie to show where the casting bar is. Check the spell button box on the left...its the yellow bar just under the mana bar.

ZIP download

Checking the screenshot...a couple changes from before:

1.) Using Vert mod graphics. I like it a little better than the wood myself (but the wood graphics are included in the download in its own folder). Only problems: a.) the Vert buttons cause the spell gem buttons to be shaded off color a little (yellow tinted buttons turn out an ugle green). I'm gonna fix this sometime soon b.) Some of the graphic elements when using Vert graphics (wooden and default look just fine) just don't fit up (see the item view box above the inventory...upper right corner of it is funky). Also near a fix for this.
2.) I leveled out the chat boxes to take advantage of /viewport. Notice the black behind the target bar, group and player info. This only concerns anyone that might wanna use my UI_player_#.ini file to set their screens up just like mine. Be aware...if you use my UI_player_#.ini file (change UI_Wolfran_71.ini to UI_<your character>_<your server number>.ini and copy it into your EQ folder), all windows will be locked INCLUDING the inventory window. Some windows (such as my two melee boxes and the skill message box in the upper right) will be completely invisible.
3.) I'm now using t.king spell gems and icons for obvious reasons (they rock!).
4.) Name removed from the player window...cause I know my name.
5.) Since there's a large target bar, I made the targets name larger. Only fitting.
6.) Removed the title bars from the chat windows. The negative side effect from this is now chat windows can't be dragged around...they need to be stretched and unstretched around the screen. You'll figure it out
7.) Used a merchant window mod found on these boards and I'm not really happy with it. If you don't like it, just delete EQUI_MerchantWnd.xml from the folder you unzipped this mod into. If you like it...cool.
8.) I finally got my Earring of the Solstice, so I made sure to put the loot view of it in each screenshot :p

Yes...as much as I hate to do it, there is an alteration in the EQUI_Animations.xml file. Sucks I know, but there was no way to alter the RedBuffBackground and BlueBuffBackground elements (for the buff box) without messing with the Animations file. So...if Verant decides to patch the Animations file again, this mod will break. I'll try to get a fixed Animations file posted promptly in that event.

Then again, the only part of this mod that would be affected would be the buff box...and its only an aesthetic change (the buff backgrounds will change to standard buttons from the current background). So if you just delete the Animations file when when you find you can't log on after a patch, everything should be peachy. Every other graphics change has been added in the file of the window that used the graphic, making for nice clean patch days.

NOTE: Don't bother downloading this stuff if you can't play at 1024x768 resolution. Even then, its rather bulky below 1280x1024. You were warned.

Again...thanks for the kind words.

Cordanim 08-20-2002 09:13 AM

Heh, you just made your original even better :)

Very nice!

Punquest 08-24-2002 04:27 AM

I would enjoy some a smaller target hp status bar and some hotboutons to epic jbb legs bp and sow booties but so far it seems the best shaman's UI i have tried nice work ;)

Wolfran 08-24-2002 09:24 PM

I'm working on some clickables...might either add them to the spell casting window or, as you said, make the target bar smaller and throw them there. I recently got my epic, a JBB, and some Thurgy...finding it annoying to flip through hotkeys.

kmb0702 08-24-2002 10:08 PM

Nice skin there Wolf !!!
I am gonna give it a whirl with Vanyen and see how it goes !!!
Thanks for all the work and dedication you have put into it !!!

Wolfran 08-25-2002 02:38 AM

Heya Vanyen. Small EQ world :p

Gallice 08-26-2002 12:13 PM

:nana: :nana: :nana: Three nanners up

NICE man I that almost everything about it. Only thing I wish for is the pet attack,guard ext ext I dont care to fill hot keys with those commands

Wolfran 08-26-2002 05:14 PM

Just delete the pet window file from your custom UI folder and voila! All the buttons come back.

For the pet window I'm using the default...only shorter. So the buttons are still there, they're just below the edges of the pet window.

Gallice 08-26-2002 09:11 PM

Yup thats what i ended up doing :)

Punquest 08-27-2002 04:17 AM

Gratz on yer epic Wolfran can't wait the clickables the more I play with your UI the best i enjoy it ;))

:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:

Roranaza 08-27-2002 04:20 AM

ok how did you instal his UI?

Punquest 08-27-2002 04:38 AM

like any other UI you d/l the UI copy your default ui directory, rename it, add the wolfran files in it and then you launch EQ and /loadskin wolf SIMPLE ;):D

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