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Old 09-15-2002, 11:30 AM   #40
A Ghoul
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 10
Default As a Shadowknight...

I loved having my resistances showing on the player window (ala. Vert 1.1) with the cool War3 Icons for the resists.

With Vert 2.2 however, in order to see my resists, I have to lose my pet control box which I've grown accustom to.

Can someone patch me up a mod where Vert2.2 shows the same information on the Player Window as did Vert1.1 then I'll just use the current v2.2 window in "pet" mode full time.

EDIT : I just noticed, Is there a Casting Time Window now? If there is, I cant seem to find it in Vert2.2

Xilr Gnomegobbler
Ogre Gravelord
Serving Cazic Thule
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