Thread: D3PDA UI Thread
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Old 08-24-2022, 02:30 PM   #17
A Predatory Creeper
Join Date: Dec 2002
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Thanks for trying to find that casting window, I appreciate it even though you couldn't find it. I know that part is just a matter of playing with it to map the underlying rules so I'll get there eventually. For now moving on from it and will re-approach it again later with a fresh mindset. I can at least use what I learned for stuff like the buff bars since they don't need any anchored elements near the end caps.


Name of mob's target? As in target's target? That's already in the target window. Top bar is your target, bottom is the target's target. The little green bar on the target (top red gauge) is agro. That's why that percent sign lingers with no target, a bug the EQ devs just can't comprehend after many in the EQInterface community tried to explain to them why this is broken behavior. When I do get to refining that window to not be so hacky (like the target's buffs, I don't like that but it works for now), I'll probably bake the percent sign into the gauge graphic just to have it disappear when no target's target is present.

Now if your talking about "most hated", that is one I'm still playing with finding a good placement. I really need to redo that target window sometime, the whole target buff thing is clearly a dirty hack to get it on screen for now.

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