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Old 09-30-2002, 12:29 PM   #14
Epiphany EQ
A Treant
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 23

Personally I've always preferred analog gauges over digital ones. Just think of dashboards in cars. There was a brief period in the 80s when Knight Rider was cool when there was a movement to put digital spedometers in cars. I dare you to find a major model new car with one today. You see with an analog gauge you get the gist at a glance even out of the corner of your eye. They are really good for when you want a general impression of how much you've got. Like I have about half of my HPs left or I'm going about 60 miles per hour. When you want to know you have exactly 1023 HPs left or you're going 61.3 mph, the digital gauge is what you'd want. So which are you really interested in, quick information or detailed information? If you really care exactly how many HPs you have, you are staring at your bar too much. Maybe you should watch what's going on in the game more.

I've also found that the digital gauges give a false sense of accuracy. Between lag and update rates on things like HPs, your HPs will actually be off by quite a bit. Those digits of precision you are looking at aren't really very accurate anyway.
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