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Old 10-07-2002, 12:23 AM   #1
A Shissar Defiler
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Default Animations in the Spell Book

Ok, I'm getting quite frustrated with my latest project. I am trying to make a specially designed, animated spellbook (I won't go into any real details as of yet because it's something I want to keep under wraps until I get it working). However, I get the graphics done, the animations are right, even the coding is right. (I checked it in SIDLWIDL to be sure. I have to set up an old Win98 box to run SIDLWIDL just for this purpose cuz it won't run on my Win2k box). Everything works exactly as I want it until I load it in EQ. The spellbook looks right, but the animations don't even show up.

Has anyone else had trouble convincing EQ to do animations in the spellbook window? Or for that matter, has anyone successfully changed the spell icon backgrounds in the spellbook? I managed to create nice little round spell icons in my spell book ( sort of the round marble effect which is part of my new animation idea), but since the spell icon backgrounds are also tied to the buff window icons, I get round buff icons. And since Varent hard coded those 2 things to the same animations....

I'm pulling my frelling hair out!

If you know what I'm going through, and maybe have any ideas or suggestions, please let me know. This is a really cool spellbook idea I'm trying to make work, and apparently my own coding skills and experience aren't enough.

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