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Old 11-06-2002, 12:57 AM   #18
A Gray Wolf
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 4

I swapped the contents of Player Window with target window.

One thing I did to make it more visible is I "stretched" the Target_HP gauge within Player window, and center it on my screen above my chat windows. Makes it a little easier to see when it's blinking, the location is more centralized. It also prevents the smooshed look on long Mob names.

You don't need Pet_HP gauge to get the modified skin to work... it'll just complain every time you log in and zone that your files are not correct (but at least it won't crash). I have actually found it useful to have Pet HP gauge as a thin line under my target's HP bar.

Also if you end up combining the contents of the Player data with the Group Data in the Group window (does that sound confusing yet?), you can free up the Target Window for something else, like Arista's Timers.

That way you can think Alt-P for Party (including yourself) and Alt-T for Timer's window.
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