Thread: Bard UI
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Old 11-23-2002, 04:09 PM   #9
A Treant
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 17
Default What I Have on Mine...

My main character is a bard, and I combined a few UIs to get what I wanted and needed.
To start with, I snagged Kaori's KaoUI Version 4.0 and set the hot buttons to my liking so I could facilitate switching instruments and weapons with ease. Then Cairenn kindly suggested her container mod when I asked about something like that on the Kaori thread. That mod includes the primary, secondary, range and ammo slots at the tops of the containers, making switching much easier. Then I took things a step further and downloaded Frostwolf's EQ Tradeskill Companion, since I have mastered a few tradeskills (my second EQ passion lol). I'm going to try Muse's EQ Atlas Generator very soon as well, as that would be an immense help to the fleet footed bard. For eye candy, I downloaded T. King/Remilio's spellbook Mandoline, and T. King's spell gems and icons. Also, for ease of function, I downloaded Xymarra's Bard/Druid Tracking Window (nice big track/cancel buttons on it, no sorting options...much nicer tracking window for me).
So far, all of these programs (except EQ Atlas Generator, I haven't tried it yet ) have meshed just fine together. The only other things I can think of that I would need as a bard are not possible to create due to the info being hard-coded, but hey, I think every class has that problem.
Hope that helps you in your quest.

Tyndylla Farseer
Bard of the 46th Song
Officer/Bard Elder, Legacy of Chaos
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