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Old 12-10-2002, 02:22 AM   #29
A Shissar Disciple
Join Date: Jul 2002
Server: Tholuxe Paells
Posts: 135

About the only bar i think that doesn't need a percentage is the stamina bar, otherwise i like saying "i'm 47 percent into my level" rather then something like "i'm 2 yellows and 4 blues into my level" (prolly not right amount) same with my power, an how much mana i use.

I would like to make a super condensed UIand i have a perfect picture in my head for it, but since i only know how to edit currently existing mods, no artistic ability in the way of pictures, and don't know how to make those windows that aren't rectangles, I made a UI with a butt load of crap on the screen. Of course i made it port hole with the 800x600 size, and i can see every piece of information i ever need in almost any situation just by looking at some part of my screen, while at the same time not covering any part of the gameplay.

Well while i'm here ayone know of a tutorial on how to make windows different shapes? Prolly could do it then.

BTW, any mod makers ever find that the buff bars are a pain in the arse when trying to make the UI small or sleak
Hunter Neiloch Forever
65 Epic Ranger

"Dont screw with someone with a lot of free time"
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