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Old 12-17-2002, 08:48 AM   #42
A Fire Beetle
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 2
Default UI format suggestion

I've seen a lot of UI's out there that look absolutely fantastic. here's some things to think about, imo, when making on.

Place all common use buttons as close to the mouse as possible.

This does two things; one, it keeps all the buttons together so you don't have to move the mouse to opposite sides of the screen to use spells then back to switch weapons, or use a skill like bash; two, I think it's a psychological thing, but I seem more coordinated when said buttons are close to the mouse (the bottom right corner, I'm right handed w/the mouse)

I know most Ui windows can be relocated as most see fit, but designing the ui with these things in mind seems like the ui would naturally be more beneficial.

On the other hand, I've also downloaded some ui's that looked great, but functionally they were aggrovating, like strings of buttons spanning the lenght of the screen.

Anyway, hope this helps with development ideas.
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