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Old 01-11-2003, 01:17 PM   #32
Credendo Vides
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Originally posted by Shadrak
the zip file i got was called and your right there were no tga's in it so I checked the download link again and got the right thing!

Yup, you got the attachment from the very first post of the thread (when I had them here) but didn't grab the rest of them. I figured that was what had happened when I looked at your SS. I had only dropped them here until it got authorized in the Download sections, at which point I deleted all the attachments on the thread itself. Glad it's all working right for you now.

Originally posted by Taldail
Well i downloaded the spell book and the icons.Do I just transfer the files into your file by dragging them and then it's ready to go? I apologize if this is a stupid or annoying question and i know your really busy with all this stuff but any help would be appreciated. Thanks again.

Neither a stupid nor an annoying question, no fear. Yes, just unzip them into your new custom folder and you should be gtg.

Originally posted by Kilorn
One question... is it possible to get a floating target window to work with your UI? Finding myself having to remember to look at the top of the Player window to find my target...

Sorry, no. See the lovely frame across the bottom? That's the target window. *grin*

Unfortunately, there are only so many "static" (always show on your screen) windows to work with to create the frame. The actions, hotbuttons, window selector, music player, group, target and pet windows are all part of the frame, in one place or another. Replacing any of them will end up with you not having a section of the frame. You can, however, replace the player window, if you wish, just make sure that it is a combined target/self/group mod.

Originally posted by eqaddict
Any news on getting this in a 1600 x 1280 mode?

ROFL! I'm still trying to figure out why it won't work for some folks but does work for most. Plus, I promised that my next version would be for 800x600. After that, I will try working my way back up to the higher resolutions.

New Question
How many of you folks having problems tried to change the class animation in the selector window?
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