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Old 01-11-2003, 02:50 PM   #39
A Gray Wolf
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 4

I just can't figure out what is dropping me to desktop right when my character tries to log in.

I've followed the instructions to a T, went in my eqclient.ini and make sure resolution and skin name it was loading was right and it was though I did notice that the skin name was 'new2' in the .ini file that comes with the download, so I changed that to 'cairenn' which is the name of my folder inside 'uifiles'.

Went through some of the XML files (web developer so its not foreign to me) and didn't see any problems.

All that UIErrors is telling me is that some of the files it looks for aren't found in 'uifiles/cairenn' and that is attempting to use files from the default skin.

I dunno.

EDIT: Making changes I found in the Patch forum now.

EDIT2: Didn't work. Oh well. Will just use basic skin with t.king gems and books like I did before. Thanks anyway.
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