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Old 01-20-2003, 11:29 AM   #29
Gnar Manamanbro
A Bat
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 1
Unhappy Gnar Manaman's RL family says thanks

Hey... I am Dan, Gnar Manaman's RL brother. Wanted to let everyone in EQ land know that Ken's RL family saw the thread and are greatful for the prayers, condolences and kind words.

We don't know much about the EQ world (I registered this account just to reply), but the comments in the thread tell us that this was a big part of Ken's world, and that he had a good EQ family... THANKS.

We had a service yesterday afternoon with the Youth Group in Ken's church, and then had a celebration with over 300 in attendance... RL family, friends and coworkers. We raised a glass in Ken's memory. We had good food, good memories and lots of love, and the centerpiece of the celebration was a powerpoint presentation with over 300 pictures of family and friends from his short 36 years.

Thank you all from Ken's RL mom, 2 brothers, sister, 2 neices, 3 nephews, 3 great-nephews, 1 great-niece, 2 uncles, 3 aunts, 1 great uncle, and dozen of cousins.

Gone but never forgotten.
I'm out.
Dan (Gnar Manamanbro)
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