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Old 08-07-2002, 09:24 AM   #37
A Bat
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 1

What about putting in the Horizontal Hotkey/Inventory thats in the Hotkey section

Horizontal Hot Buttons: Untested
Added: 7-26-02
Author: Divius the ChaoTic - Blades of Wrath - Torvonnilous
Horizontal Hotkeybar with horizontal Inventory slots + Primary and Secondary slots.

It would make swapping much easier and with the hotkeys straight across no guesswork in which number is what key.

Is there a way i could do it myself?

I also like to know the names beside the buff which is;

Geddine's Buff Window: Untested
Updated: 8-03-02
Author: Geddine of Morell-Thule
This window is slightly larger than the normal buff window but is a combination of the buffs icon and text, with a background to show beneficial and detrimental effects.<p> Current problems are when a spell wears off "Unknown Spell" text appears in its place (please /bug to get this fixed). Also holding ALT over the buff window still shows the tooltips meaning the text will appear to double up, but then why would you need to hold Alt over your buff window anyway, the name is right there. I should also mention that the line that highlights your icons in your spellbook will appear funny, this is because of the graphic used as the backing for the effects. A major thank you the Allessandra as we compiled this mod together, and it is his graphic design.
Update: Works with the 31st july patch. Buff window with icons on the left and the text to the right, with a colored graphic behind the text to show buff or debuff. Update was also made slightly thinner to take up less screen.

Is there anyway that I could integrate these 2 mods into yours? It would be perfect for me then.
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