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Old 02-07-2003, 12:54 PM   #21
A Gray Wolf
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 6

Talyns knows he is MY hero too. He made the game playable for me as well. He is a magician par excellente and I cannot say enough about how generous with his time and talent he has been. /bow /kneel

Maxxius - Perhaps you need to ask Talyns for a look at the skin he created for me for much the same reasons you listed. I took the Oldschool_purple UI and loaded it in 800 x 600 and played with it, deleting some stuff and adding other components till I had a concept (which I could work with if I had had to get used to it but there were overlaps and it framed the window in a messy fashion, and I still had the 'text too small' issue with any text not in the chat windows). I don't know what kind of character you are playing but if it is a caster, you might like the UI Talyns created for me from my concept.

I posted my UI on a quickly made homepage - if you want to look at how I have it set up now see the URL at the bottom of this page. It's not a great image but you can get the jist of it I hope.

Using my version of the oldschool UI, I didn't have the shifting problem after the patch yesterday by the way - though I heard a lot of people in my guild did with the UIs they are using - everything from the default to complex custom ones.

Talyns - Thanks so much again. Your work was brilliant.

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