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Old 02-08-2003, 03:04 AM   #23
A Gray Wolf
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 4

Chiasma your set up wouldn't work well for me as a ranger. I do like the inventory skin set up in Talyn's ui.

And today they finally fixed the shifting problem so I am happy hehe.

And Talyn's your set up is almost perfect for me. Because I went 800x600 reso I do lose about an inch or two off my left screen, and I have to overlap the menu skin under my chat window (as well as the pet command for when I play my druid), but I just don't have the room otherwise. In 1024 reso I had no problem but the type was too small for me to read.

Also when I am over like 12 buffs, the remaining ones keep going down the screen behind my chat window. I don't know how to make the buffs double column instead of single column.

But all in all I can live with it, I get the benefit I had in old ui, plus the added bonus's of the new ui.

P.S. what I like about the inventory skin is that it makes it easy for me to swap out items fast. As a ranger I tend to swap out weapons alot.

P.P.S., Chiasma what reso and viewpoint are you using?
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