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Old 08-09-2002, 12:35 PM   #12
A Treant
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 26

The closed beta is going to be fairly short no worries, mostly just testing it on as wide variety of machines as I can so most of the gapingly large bugs are caught.

It might be shareware, it might not be, I am undecided at this point. I am almost positive I will be releasing a free version at first till I feel confident in it's quality, and even after/if I make it shareware there will always be a version useable to the public. Not sure if I want to go down that road though, since that leaves me with certain obligations. Basically that's a conversation for another day, which will be quite a bit after an open beta.

This is NOT a small project, the amount of code stopped being trivial a long time ago. There are a lot of features I am pretty proud of, and its wrapping up nicely atm. Short of fixing all the bugs all thats left to do before I release a buggy version to the public is the code to handle gui events(button pressing, etc) and an in program method to handle the addition of new items (not sure how I want to handle that yet really).

You will need the .net framework for microsoft (about a 20mb download on, its all been built atop that using c# with a few custom c++ dll's to handle various things. I am worried about speed/memory usage since its using gdi+, which while a high quality drawing enging, is also very slow. Actually the program runs great on my amd 1100 with 256mbs of ram, but I have no idea how it performs on lower end machines. A shareware version would probably include a directx rewrite if performance is that horrible for people. Guess we gonna find out soon =)
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