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Old 08-11-2002, 11:57 PM   #1
A Gray Wolf
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 7
Default New Player / Target / Group window

Most of this I stole from Rombus's excellent work, thanks a lot for the great stuff.

I modified the player / target / group window with the following changes:

- Removed AA EXP bar. Who needs a whole bar to weep over how little exp you get.
- Added five new labels in its place. These are from left to right: AC, ATT, Fatigue, EXP, and AAXP.
- Added a pet bar that fits right underneith the player HP bar.
- Moved the casting bar over on top of the mana bar. When you cast, a purple line shows up half way up on the mana bar.
- Removed all % signs next to figures. Once you understand that they are percentage values, you don't need a label to tell you that. Every element, every figure, should tell you something useful, not something you already know.
- The whole window size was reduced by 5 pixils on the left and bottom. It doesn't sound like a lot but this is over 3000 pixils overall saved.

Here's a screenshot:

Overall the window should now support melees, casters, pet casters, healers and hybrids all equally well. Please let me know how it works out for you.

A download of the mod and installation instructions can be found at

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