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Old 06-21-2003, 09:00 PM   #1
A Crystal Gargoyle
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 96
Default Necros vs. Druids

Ok, the big argument between the soloing classes. Who makes a better soloer, a Necromancer or a Druid. I have played a Druid to 45, and a Necromancer to 53 currently, and I can say without any hesitation that NECROMANCERS SOLO FAR BETTER THAN DRUIDS. Druids revolve around two types of killing early on.

Kiting, the most common method is great, run circles around a mob while letting your dots ream it, and dropping nukes every so often. That method is pretty inefficient and mana intensive, but it works quite well. The other method is root-dotting. Simply root the inept mob, and dot it and sit... reapplying root as needed. That method is decent as well, great for non-casting mobs.

At higher levels, charm kiting can be done, but hey, Necros can do it too, and just as frequently on Undead mobs.

HOWEVER, Necros can do much better. Fear-kiting is hands down more effective and safer than regular kiting in almost any situation except dungeons with messed up pathing (which Druids can't kite in anyway). Simply pull with snare, like Druids, run back, fear it, sic pet, and slap on 1-5 dots based on the mob, sit back down, and twiddle your thumbs until you see an exp message.

Another thing is, we pull much better than Druids. Druids rely on lulling, Necros can FD Pull, and can lull Undead mobs anyway.

The benefits of fear-kiting completely trounce the benefits of regular kiting. You can't effectively kite or root-dot caster mobs. They'll run after you, and nuke you, or root you, or fear you, or blah blah blah. But when you fear kite, you give damage without any chance of taking damage provided you make sure that your target won't run into more mobs. And you can easily solo caster mobs that nuke hard or have been known to fear. In my opinion, doing damage without being hit or having to run around too much is greater by far then running in circles wildly nuking and making sure that the mob isn't too close or isn't casting or etc etc etc. This is a simplified perspective on the subject, but for my 2cp, Necros win this fight.

I and I'm sure others would like to hear fellow Necros and other Druids collective input on this subject.
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