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Old 06-23-2003, 12:23 AM   #2
A Ghoul
Join Date: Jun 2003
Server: Solusek Ro
Posts: 14

I myself have recently begun a Necro (3 days ago) and have progressed to level 17... in those exceedingly short levels I have found one irrefutable fact: Necromancers seem to reign supreme in the world of soloing.

As on my tag, I also play a Druid.. and they are absolutely LOADS of fun to cram some hardcore levels in with.. but during my time I've watched other druids use the charm/root/dot method of soloing... while the root/dot method is tried and true, the charm is a bit titchy to me. Take for example a level 60 Druid soloing in Maiden's Eye, they charm a ravenous beast and begin their pulling and combat method. At ANY given time during that fight with the other creature, that beast could break charm and turn on the druid... yes, they do have backup plans and cards on hand, but it is generally a very disconcerting thing and not to mention annoying.

Necro's take this foundation and build an empire on it. You've the main source for agro soak... your pet. Now your pet within itself is an incredibly formidable clattering sack of bones. It will possess abilities that belong to a myriad of classes and will oft use them to a rather devastating effect... let's return to the scenario of Maiden's Eye. You pull a creature and commence to slow and DoT it, from there your pet shall take on the happy task of brutally smashing it's face in.. here is where the second card comes in. Your fear. At any given moment you can be doling out horrendous amounts of damage due to stacked DoTs, a ruthless pet, and the creature is completely helpless to cease it's own walk of doom due to the Fear spell.

BUT! There is only a single catch... albeit a small one, but if you are unprepared it COULD spell disaster. Mana cost. Such tactics I've found are incredibly mana intensive and unless you've KEI or some other flowing thought item, the downtime will drive you to the brink of madness (C'mon, who hasn't played the Gems game on downtime to the point your hand hurts and you desire to wring the neck of the people that didn't put something more innovative in during downtime??)

Really it is harsh to call a judgement between the two... for when both classes are properly played it is a moot point. I could write a counter-argument for the Druid, but then I'd bore you folks to heck and I don't want that. Scrooluse wubs you all.
The mind of a child is filled with magic because it has not yet learned to suffocate itself with the mundanity of experience.

Senzari Kajukenbo
Sons of the Spirits
Level 50 Monk

Dark Hour
Level 25 Druid
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