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Old 06-26-2003, 05:02 PM   #17
A Treant
Join Date: Apr 2003
Server: Terris-Thule
Posts: 20

Look, I have played both necromancers and druids and bard to 40+, and while yes, bards can swarm, and yes, druids can quad. But on my necromancer, I have done things soloing that I would never have imagined possible on Bard or Druid. Like, using an example on ulthork beach. On my bard, I went there and basically ran around kiting EVERYTHING I could find. It was pretty good exp...but then by the time I was done, there was nothing left, and I spent a ton of time waiting for spawns. On my druid, I was quad kiting, and it was good exp, I guess. But the down times for medding were horrible. Now, I take my necro there...and wow! I was kiting about two mobs at a time. I would pull one with dark, run away, pull another with dark, then run back to where I parked my skele. I sic pet on one, then root the other, and load it up with dots, then reroot. Pull back pet, root other mob, load up with dots, and both mobs were dead before Roots wore off. I found that doing this allowed me to keep going pretty much constantly, and keep the exp flowing. Also, for the higher end game, sure Bards have the mana song, and druids can heal and buff...but necros can do a little bit of everything. We can heal others, heal ourselves, nuke, bring our pets, give others mana, levi, underwater breathing, mez, etc. And our ability to solo gives us an edge in groups in the higher end. Extra mobs? No problem! Dark, dot, get agro, sic pet...and wham, bam, one mob down that the group don't have to worry about.

<Int Officer of Loyal Rebellion>
Necromancer of Prexus Thule.
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