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Old 06-26-2003, 05:53 PM   #18
A Gray Wolf
Join Date: Aug 2002
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Bards don't come into their own as the champions of soloing until the higher levels. I haven’t played a necro that much, but I've got several friends that play them, and I would say that overall they are better at soloing then druids are.

However, don't try and tell me that a necro is even comparably as versatile as a druid. Druids can nuke almost as good as mages, quad almost as good as wizards, they can heal very well, they are THE masters of travel, snare, root, EVAK, levi, underwater breathing (albeit not in one spell like a necro but we do get sow/levi in one spell) very good dots (no not as good as necros), tons of utility spells beaten only by shamans, damage shields... basically the druid is the master of versatility. They can't nuke as well as wizards, heal as well as clerics, dot as well as necros, buff as good as shamans, damage shield as well as mages, teleport as good as wizards.. ect. But in exchange for the lack of specialization they are able to FILL IN for any of these roles sufficiently in many situations.

Both Necros and Druids have great survivability, but the Necro wins because of his strong pet and FD.

I think both are excellent classes, but I am at the point in my EQ life (actually I've been at this point and beyond for a very long time) where if I wanted to solo in a first person RPG, I would play Morrowind, not an MMORPG =P
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