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Old 08-08-2003, 08:09 PM   #24
Quarr Quikblade
A Snow Cougar
Join Date: Sep 2002
Server: Quellious
Posts: 43
Default hmmm

Getting this error when adding your merchant window to my own UI, any ideas? Thanks.

[Line:1705 Source:UIFiles\tkingceltic\EQUI_MerchantWnd.xml] Couldn't find class:item 'WDT_Border' reference in FieldParseItemOfClass()

btw, excellent work on all this.

edit: another question while I am at it.

In the hotbar... it works great but I am having a very irritating thing happen. When I set up my hotkeys the text wraps around to the second line. Actually I keep all names short enough except my backstab key cannot be shortened any. It looks like this


Which is very annoying and unprofessional looking. Would you happen to know what (if anything) I can edit in the .xml to make it not wrap like that, I dont care if the text runs over the size of the button, it would look much better that way then it does now hehe... thanks a lot =)
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