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Old 11-27-2003, 05:56 AM   #26
99% EVIL, 1% Cute Bunnies
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Paladins are a "Swiss-army knife" class we may not be the best at a single job but we got a tool for most situations.

We pull, stun, heal, buff, tank and put out DMG decently but not a single one of those out does any other class.

As for the Agro issue i think it has more to do with player then class. Yes a paladin can grab agro fast with a fast cast stun and a tuant and bash..but the DMG a warrior will do in that time will almost balance it out and once the pally stops the spells and taunts the warrior will have agro.

The only reason a pally should be grabbing agro is if a caster is being attacked or if tank is close to death and needs a bit of help.

The way I have always seen it a Paladin is in a group to die first.
If pally dies while Tank is being healed..tank lives regains agro and casters therefore kills mob pally gets rez.
If pally dies to save a caster (usually cleric) can finish of mob and pally gets rez.

Dieing does suck but there is no way to avoidit...but if your death means the group lives then you have helped you group much more then if you dealt some more dmg.

Trust me from my experience a dead paladin first almost always means the group will live. It is not very often that a last second LOH to a cleric or warrior does not turn the tide of a battle. And yes once it hits the paladin is in for a beating from the mob..but the group lives and you get a rez so really no harm done.

So really the coming changes can really be getting pally's back to what they are...multi-use class...doer of many master of none..the essence of Hybrid.

Hybrid never means all of the comonents that make it but rather...a balance of the best parts to make something different yet similar to what made it.

Paladin = Cleric + Paladin

average healer/stunner/pacifyier/buffer/tank/agro is what a paladin should be and once we become the best at one we are no longer what our class was intended to be.

Sorry for the long rant it's late and I just wanted to say my feelings on the worries a lot of paladins have.

Learn your class. Do not get PL'ed and you will learn why paladins are welcomed without hesitation at higher levels.
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