Thread: Melee Chat Log
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Old 11-28-2003, 04:48 PM   #32
A Ghoul
Join Date: Nov 2002
Server: Vallon / stormhammer
Posts: 19

The abilities help the characters, but its the player behind the keyboard that determines the outcome

that answers your point Genghiz. Though i already did as well in my post note this.

the class that is supposedly the superior tank is left totally behind when it comes to aggro

Warriors are the superior tank. hands down i would take a warrior to tank any raid size mob instead of myself. Superior tank does not mean master of aggro. means master of taking a beat down and living to keep taking it.

(note: when term knight is used, it refers paladin and SK)

Players need to learn to control their abilities. No knight (less ebayed idiots) will ever want to or willing engage in out aggroing mobs when in a warrior inhabitted group... unless of course the warrior is talking mad trash and simply needs to be put in his place. Barring idiocy as i said though, knights are happier not being pounded. On large scale raids, we knights know we have off-tank duty. Our role is support the MT to protect healers.

If warriors insist on whining about aggro then either they don't know how to taunt right to begin with (button mashing is not the way) or they continually group with idiots that don't know how to assist. It is not a matter of ability of the character (or the perceived lack there-of) it is the player understanding his character ability.

These new skills being implimented aren't gonna do much of anything to improve aggro control. It just give warriors and other non-hybrids a different flavor of game to mess with. Like someone mentioned earlier, you starve an animal long enough it will appreciate anything you throw at it. Warriors and rogues are definitely starved and monks... good grief, the ONE nerfing that you had and you act as if the game was destroyed. That nerf made you what you were intended to be all along. You all just got used to being over powered for what your class was. You wear a T-shirt for armor... Warriors and knights wear truck hoods. Sorry if you think fabric is supposed to mitigate damage better then plate metal. Yes i agree monks should DODGE better but 2 things: 1 you are not Bruce lee... get the kung fu movies outta your head, thats not you. 2 you take a direct hit of something, the damage you incur will be and SHOULD be more then if a warrior or knight took the same exact hit.

Aggro isn't broke. Players just don't know their roles.
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