Thread: Melee Chat Log
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Old 11-30-2003, 11:12 PM   #38
A Treant
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 20

Yes, but being a lvl 51 tank is sort of different from being a lvl 65 tank in BoT. SK/Pally is practically a must when you have an ench slowing. Playing a beastlord I also slow, and I can usually slow a mob around 98% with no problems with a sk/pal tank but need to wait until around 92% with a warrior. Sure it's only a 6% difference but during that span of 5 seconds tanks can get destroyed and clerics run oom quicker. I think the changes are needed on warriors to make them balanced but this is gonna make monks and rogues so out of whack with the rest of the DPS classes it could start alot more whinning from all the other classes.
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