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Old 08-20-2002, 03:42 PM   #14
A Treant
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 26

When I first started working with sidl I actually made a xsl transformation to produce a Schema 1.0 xsd from the mock schema that is SIDL.xml. However I took the path that inherited objects are defined by complex types, and it seems elements who inherit a complex type's are limited to either sequential or choice complexContent, which of course eq doesn't use. Why in the hell I can't use the all ordering scheme I don't know, but it basically makes the produced schema useless. /rude schema 1.0.

If anybody else has any ideas for creating an xsd based around sidl.xml I would love to hear em (and if you want to see the xsl or produced xsd just ask). For now I have just given up on using a validating xml parser, my object layer throws errors as necessary anyways, just be a nicety to see what's wrong ahead of time while reading the document.
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