Thread: Question
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Old 07-28-2002, 01:37 PM   #23
A Ghoul
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 16

Its not assumptions that Im making, its the understanding of the XML language that leads me to these conclusions. The problem is, I dont understand it completely.

Whats more, everyone claims that this stuff is hard coded, which is fine, believe that, but, when you remove something, and get an error, its an XML error. If the client EXE was "Hooked" as you say, to the XML, the client would cause an invalid page fault, (You know, the windows error) not an XML error, and that is the biggest thing right there, telling me that the XML is referencing child elements within itself, and causing its own errors.

It simply means that it needs to be tracked down, and loacated. You say, prove to you that the issue is not hard coded. The simple points above are fact. I say to you, if you have proof that its hard coded, show it to me. I want to see fact, not just "It doesnt work, so it has to be hard coded. We dont see it, so it has to be hard coded. I dont want to learn any more about this, so it has to be hard coded." That is not fact, more so speculation on the part of whomever is passing that idea around.

The simple fact is that the UI is an interface between the various functions and commands, and features of the game, and the player. These hooks you refer to are nothing more then the information that the UI interprets. The toggle pet health button is simply a switch. To either turn it on, or turn it off, easily able to be done with the XML, much more difficultly done in the hard code.

Your ramblings did give me something to look for, and that is the health switches, I will check and see if I can find any within the xml, and adjust or turn them off completely, and see if that works.

Dregor, that would make this entire conversation worthless. The point of this is to gather enough information to make the mods that I would like to see in the game. Once this breakthrough is made, the sky is the limit with the UI. Its just too new for anyone to really know that much about its hierarchy, and method of functionality yet.

Psychogears, you can move the HP bar just fine. I have, and it works fine in the hotkey window without a problem. The only item in the PlayerWindow that cannot be moved is the Pet_HP, because it is referenced by something in the xml somewhere, and you will get an xml error when you do so.
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