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Old 08-24-2002, 04:55 PM   #34
A Treant
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 26

Well the good news is I released a copy to some testers, and if it's even miledly useable for them I will be realising a copy to the general public.

The bad news is my work load just changed drastically, and I can't devote as much time as I would like to SidlWidl. It also means I had to either sit on everything for a few months or release an early alpha now. I chose the latter, in the hopes of what I have now can be of some use. Its just not anyway near finished or optimized to the state I want it to be. Still, you can do a lot with it, even in it its current state I hope.

I will still be around, and if anything is horribly broken or a quick fix could result in a lot of improvement i can do it, but for the most part work will be halted till I can catch up with 2 massive new projects at work =/
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