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Old 02-13-2004, 12:40 PM   #1
A Ghoul
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 14
Default WindowSelector - I'm Stumped...

I decided to update my custom Window Selector since mine didn't have the Combat Skills buttom. I DL'd an updated one from here and when I loaded it, the space for the Combat Skills button was there and it worked (but no graphic). So I figured it was a .tga issue (and I tried the default Window Selector to double check - exact same problem, space but no button).

So, I went to the Selector Window file and there are no .tga files listed. Having gone through this before, I knew to check the "button parts" referenced for Combat Skills and then go to those in the Animations file. So, I went to the Animations file, changed the .tga file for the 5 button parts from 4.tga to 96.tga (and copied and renamed 4.tga from the default directory). After doing that, I still had the exact same problem? Am I missing a step?

I'm stumped and any help is apprecitated.

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