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Old 04-01-2004, 07:39 PM   #7
A Gray Wolf
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 6

PHEW...ok. Problem NOT solved however, I did download the patch from Adobe , fixed my alpha channels, and changed the img size a bit. (to a 128x128 img and 64x64 cursor ) which looks like:

<TextureInfo item = "ssrasword.tga">

<!-- Cursors -->

<Ui2DAnimation item = "A_DefaultCursor">

The alpha channel checks out when I load the .tga in Adobe Photoshop 7 (the cursor is white and the background is black, and the 1st layer is "background" and the layer is locked with all pixels around the cursor white when img is viewed), i dont think i screwed up the coding anywhere, the img size and dimensions seem legit. What am I still doing wrong? Ive tried loading it and nada still. :/ Thanks for all the help so far from everyone, by the way! But still no luck

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