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Old 05-07-2004, 11:31 AM   #30
Manaetic Prototype IX
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Yet another end game Expansion on the market. Granted its got new recipes and skills, it seems tempered for the high end market, yet again...

But not to mention with the recent patch and from reading what coming.. sounds like EQ taking traits from other games into thiers.

Increased hit regen when resting - Horizon's been doing that since the beginning. Though I am sure another ORPG probably did it before them, but I don't know for sure since I haven't had much play time with some other ORPGs from the EQ era.

Tasks - Dark Age of Camelot...

EQ is starting to morph into the ever growing Generic MMORPG instead of being an exclusive enterprise all of its own.

But don't get me wrong, this isn't a bitch and moan post. I will probably buy the expansion, just so I have access to some of the things that will come with the game, just to have them and to keep my list of expansions alive with material.

And before someone goes to the horn and starts tooting. Yes I am falling into SOE purchase trap of "If you want the bonus stuff you gotta buy it even though you may never use it." But you know what, I bought a lot of my D&D stuff in the past the same way. But you know what else, later on during my game, I did need it, and guess what... I had it available to me at that moment for when I did.

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