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Old 06-07-2004, 10:57 AM   #9
A Snow Griffin
Join Date: Feb 2003
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Default Idle timeout

- This one I love how about the IDLE TIME OUT?
[ This is a problem with your ISP or your computer. My current /played session (which I just alt-tabbed to EQ and checked) is 2 days, 18 hours, 42 minutes, and 8 seconds. I clearly don't have an idle time out issue ]

Sorry to say it's not an isp based issue, when it's a NEW LOGIN WINDOW PROMPT that comes from EQ itself. I'm on cable modem and never had this issue until recently. Also I ALWAYS have at least 3 traders on at any given point in time, and when you go to 2 out of 3 pc's to check up on them and see this log screen MADE BY SONY, on those 2 and they state they never made that screen it makes you wonder.

- How about actually taking a couple of months to actually FIX in-game problems instead of trying to milk more money out of us to buy an expansion
[ Maybe they can milk you, you cow, but personally I WANTED to buy the next expansion. I'd gladly pay $30 just to get a higher level cap ]

Sorry but I don't think we should have to PAY for an option like this, new content, new zones, new equipment, new adventures, SURE THING but not something that goes with basic gameplay.

- How about the massive amounts of LAG since Sony giving away POK
[ That's a case by case problem, I personally don't have any lag issues in PoK. Don't assume a problem is caused by something that you have no clue about. There really wasn't a big influx of new people to PoK because it was opened up to everyone; the lag issues "some" people are experience are a glitch in the system that they haven't worked out ]

Umm all of the lag issues in POK have occured SINCE they opened it up to everyone.

- Why don't they make personalizing your UI more easy for any player?
[ It's already freaking easy. Go to Each person shouldn't be trying to code their own UI, and WYSIWYG editors just pump out garbage compared to the clean crisp work that can be done with notepad + photoshop ]

If they gave out the software for editing a UI we might even see more things here, for one for two, most people aren't as savy as anyone who makes or edits alot of the mod's here. Also it would allow people to feel more involved with their own settings.

- Warriors still cannot hold aggro
[ They hold agro fine and beat the suck out of knights tanking-wise. You have no idea what you're talking about ]

I don't think so, I have a 60 warrior and a 50 SK and the Sk takes a better beating and deals more damage then my tank with inferior armor and equipment. My SK also holds aggro alot better, then my warrior and yes I know how to play him. Besides those facts it still falls back to a PURE MELEE CLASS doing more damage and handling damage better then a hybrid, the spells that hybrids get along with other skills and abilities is supposed to MAKE UP for the fact that a PURE MELEE CLASS outdamages, handles aggro better, AND is able to take better damage then them. Besides that fact the GREAT MELEE ENHANCEMENT that Sony pushed off on Warriors was only a new gui to handle disc's which every warrior already had a hotkey for, oh and lowered SOME of the timers, plus now they made them dependant on endurance were as before you had the skill and were able to use it whenever, not if you have enough endurance. They pulled the wool over all the Warriors eyes and alot of them are still holding their breaths for Sony to finish off what they promised. Were are the new skills/abilities, dropped by npc's or given by quests at?

Lastly why is it ONLY AN ISSUE for Sony when players start leaving? NEVER when they send in complaints, ideas, suggestions, etc. it's a shame that the Melee classes had to have a sit down strike to get their problems slightly addressed, it's a shame that people had to quit a game they probably loved playing at one time, because they were made to feel insignificant. It's also a shame that Sony tries to make everyone feel that it's a community, but tells everyone to sit back and shut up, we'll do what we want when we want. With an attitude like that we definately should pay more attention to their screen that states we're in THEY'RE WORLD now.

Sorry to make this seem like a flame, or a rant again, I'm just getting tired of Sony doing ONLY what they have to do, to keep their cash cow staying instead of making them happy and wanting EVERY EXSPANSION EVERYTIME.
All you are and all you see is all your life will ever be.
Pink Floyd
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