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Old 06-07-2004, 05:15 PM   #16
A Shissar Disciple
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 103

Originally posted by Haliken

- Issues with item augmenetations
[ You have to decide really carefully where you wanna stick your augment. If you screw up, you screw up. Don't give idiots an easy way out ]

I think the main reason this was even brought up was because of equipment upgrades.

As you progress in the game, it's pretty inevitable to swap out a piece of your gear for something else with much better stats. However, perhaps that piece you swapped out is augmented with an augment that you would rather not lose.

I know I know, you're probably saying to yourself "just go adventuring again and get another one to replace it!" Granted, I haven't done too much adventuring since LDoN came out, but I've done enough to know that some augments aren't as common as others.

I don't know about you, but I would rather be able to 'recycle' an augmentation I may have instead of having to try to go replace it by having to go through another raid and HOPE to win the augmentation again.

That's my 1/2cp ( too poor to afford the full 2cp :P ) on the matter
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