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Old 06-08-2004, 06:45 PM   #22
A Bat
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 1

Originally posted by Haliken
- Oh yeah how about the poor MACINTOSH players who got ripped off?
[ You're hearing about something that just got major attention for no reason. It doesn't concern you so don't waste your time mentioning it ]

Thank you so much for letting us feel the community of the PC players -- we differ by merely OS, as we're playing in the same encounters with the same classes, races, and spells as you are and we bought the game from the same company. But you're right, it's a different OS so we are completely irrelevent to you.

Just in case this ever comes to a server near you (why do I feel moved to include that quote of "first they came for the Jews, but I was not a Jew so I didn't speak up"?), however, let me give you some warnings about what these "no reasons" were:

- This time last year when we did have server reboots for changes (none of which ever worked other than breaking HSM completely), never any warning, server motd, note on the server control panel, etc.

- When Hollowshade Moor was completely broken, you could not zone out of it without a port. The GM flat refused to put a server motd in warning players of this. We still don't know how many new Vah Shir quit because they zoned out on the wrong side.

- No GM, period, for months at a time. Ever. You died due to a bug? Tough. An item poofed when you were rezzed? Oh well (yep -- happens not infrequently to us. sucks too.)

- Known problems since beta with 90% of the content of a major expansion we paid for (PoP) with no effort made to fix it: we levelled to 65 without 63+ spells and with only PoI/PoN/PoD/PoJ. Our game is over after VT, despite PoP being advertised on the box.

- Lies from our TSR's that there was a patch in the works, uncovered only when someone managed to get high up enough in SOE CS to get an offficial "Errr, no, we decided not to do anything about that ages ago" statement

- Hell I probably missed a bunch of stuff too. We're so used to it all by now...

When we got that letter, we used it and the already existing community efforts to try to bring the state of Al`Kabor to the attention of someone -- anyone, as we've grown fond of our raids on Tormax and Xanamech and would like to see Quarm some day.

Based on the information from the summit, we will be getting that. Last night we saw the first actual step that SOE has taken in about 8-10 months on our server: they took a brief outage to finally attach a test server to test changes.

Damn, sorry for wasting bandwidth on something irrelevent. BTW -- someone should delete the Macintosh UI section here...

(Psst -- thanks to all those out there, especially Woody of GUComics, our own Khama, the folks at Caster's Realm, the poster at slashdot, and everyone else who helped get this out there so we could get a chance to play the game we paid for!)
[65 Archon] Venerable Kyth Ch`Wyl (Halfling)
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