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Old 07-27-2004, 10:38 PM   #48
A Ghoul
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 17

That would actually work out pretty well. Like you said casters don't need to see endurance, not even myself as a beastlord. There is the small bar right below my health when my pet is up, but it's so small I don't pay attention to it a lot of times.

I'm sorry I keep offering or suggesting alterations. I know you do this on your free time. Maybe I should start paying ya, lol.

It really is a great UI man. I'm glad you keep it up to date after every patch. I've used numerous UI's, but had to find a new one whenever the author stopped updating. Keep up the good work!

Quick side note: I noticed the % for mana and endurance are identical. Meaning, when my mana % goes down, so does my endurance %. There always identical, like there using the same information. When there both full, and I jump for example, my endurance does not go down.
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