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Old 08-29-2002, 10:09 PM   #23
A Gray Wolf
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 6

Edit: I just downloaded crystal meth and it looks good with dark red tints, have new problems for you. Pet hp is split into mana and is grey colored, so it's hard to see. Advanced targetting's fraction split bar is grey split into white, it's also hard to see. Group pet hp is grey split into white, also hard to see. The only things needing color changes are the split bars that are grey, blue would be good but I'd personally do red because I have red tinted windows. Also, could you make the buff window wider to include more of the longer buff's names? I have it stacked over the player/pet tab, and if you could widen it to be the same width as that window it would be great. Also alt doesn't work on spell gems to see the names but that's expected, I'll just have to get used to it, at least it saves room.

Another edit: Personal preference but I'd like current hp/max hp rather than the other way around.
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