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Old 01-13-2005, 10:28 PM   #9
A Lost Soul
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Posts: 420
Arrow Just My Two Cents

I have to agree with Kudane. SOE has held the carrot in front of the horse for a very long time, and I admit I have followed like the horse would. I liked what I saw in most of the expansions, I put HARD earned money into, Yet each one seemed to imply more would be included. Each one left something to be desired. The advent of EQ 2 has placed a better player base in EQ. I guess that is because the players here now have a dedication to the game. I don't know if others feel the same, but there is a decided difference. With that said you would think SOE would conceder this and show some RESPECT to LOYAL customers. All one has to do is check out the customer support forums to see how many issues have not been address. It is VERY dissapointing to see this happen on a regular basis.
SOE could take a lesson from Arenanet. I have been playing the Beta Weekend Events for Guild Wars and each one has shown how well they use player input. From what I have seen this is where I will go when it finaly is released. At least they have gone in the proper direction. This won't be a game where it is based on what the Dev's think a player wants, it will be a game based player input prior to release. Wow what a novel idea, give the customer what they want based on what they ask for. It's hard to think that after all this time bringing three characters to the Mid 50 levels and doing it more or less soloing, making a lot of good friends, and in general enjoying the experience, plus paying all the way doesn't deserve a little more Respect.
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