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Old 01-13-2005, 11:59 PM   #10
The Tablets Guy
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I didn't want to post before as I thought this really didn't effect me, I quit playing Everquest 1.. However in an indirect way it does..

It was reported on many community sites (by people, who attended the guild summit) that the Devs and Smedley wanted to update(even outsourced) the models..

Here it's reported by Woody at GUComics..
"Did you know that Smedley wants new character models by the end of the calendar year? I'm not sure how doable it is... but Smedley is a very motivated man."

And here Loral at MobHunter:
"Later I asked Smedley to confirm the rumor that we would have new PC models before the end of 2004 and he confirmed it. SOE is outsourcing the project to another company, an act that vexes SOE artists. It's their baby and they want to do the models but there simply isn't the time, a statement we heard often. The developers who spoke at the initial meeting stated that they want and expect Everquest to stand up graphically to other current massive online games including EQ2. The graphic update we battled through recently helps us get there."

I can probably dig up more if I looked..
But those are probably two of the bigger sites linked on every other fansite, guild forum, class site, interface site, etc...
Could have emailed just those people in June, or even July, and told them it wasn't gonna happen.. They in turn, most likey, would have reported they made a mistake.. It would have then gone around the Community..

Brenlo in this thread:
"If we do begin the process of redoing character models it would outside of expansion work, meaning expansions would still be created and released while model work was going on."

A lot of people have been thinking you guys outsourced the models.. Were waiting for a new years gift.. Now you state that you haven't even begun the process.. Expect them to be pretty mad..

So how does this effect me:
I play Everquest 2.. I'm just hoping this type of mis-information isn't allowed to spread around that community.. It upsets people.. And Upset people upset other people.. Not forever, they all recover, but after getting upset over and over they get jaded.. Playing with a bunch of jaded people is in no way fun

Well that's my two copper on the subject..
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