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Old 01-15-2005, 09:29 PM   #11
A Crystal Gargoyle
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Server: Lanys T'Vyl
Posts: 99

EQ won't die until people stop paying to play. Sounds simple huh? Yes, a lot of people have stopped playing EQ so they could try other games, but they haven't stopped their monthly payments yet. This is because they want to keep their options open in case they don't happen to like the other games they try. Then they can always come back to EQ. They may decide to keep their accounts even if they never play again! It's my opinion that most people have too much expendable income to worry about a few dollars a month. Not me but most people. They may be unwilling to close an account they've had for years out of nostalgia. They may be hesitant to trash those 3 level 70 characters they worked so hard to get there. Lots try to sell them on various web sites and even in the Bazaar! Tried to get a high level group lately? My guild folded and I can't even find another. I believe EQ is in need of some serious server consolidation in order to remain viable, but it won't actually die unless those no longer playing cancel their unused accounts, and there's a LOT of 'em!
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