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Old 01-22-2005, 12:20 AM   #34
A Bat
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Smile Just my opinion...

I'm not much of one to look too deeply into the future when it comes to EQ. I get pleasantly surprised more often than not that way. It makes me notice when they have the little star by some modification with a footnote saying "done in response to player input."

Let's just look at the reality of it all. Games get old. But new doesn't mean better. In my opinion, and it's just my opinion, the player models of EQ2 are some of the most horrible I've seen. I can't think of a single one I like with exception of female Iksar. The rest look like ... keep it clean. And animations? Try clapping in EQ2. Watch your hands move through themselves. It's pitiful. And the lag is terrible. I have a computer that is by no means minimal and I can't go anywhere there in EQ2 without some lag. This from a computer that can run through the bazaar before EQ2 came live, full animation, watching every character... no lag. Breezing through. Not sure what the deal is there.

My point? If new models are going to do that same thing to EQ1? I'll keep the Luclin models please, thank you very much. I think they look sooooo much better than EQ2, or even WoW. The only game I've seen superior models from is Lineage 2. Superior enough to warrant my consideration that is.

In the end, I play the game for enjoyment. I like the models, I like the world, I like the people I play with. I'm not a raider, I'm a roleplayer. And pretty much, you can't beat EQ1 for a graphics based RPG. All the rest are pretty first person console games. No RP to the RPG. Even EQ2, hard as they try.

Sorry for being wordy. My first post here.

I've been playing EQ1 for nearly 5 years. I have no plans to leave anytime soon, so long as I have friends that play. Broken promises and such... I never listen to the promises anyway. I enjoy the game for what it is now. Any improvements are just icing for me. I think it's a nicer way to look at it.

FV Ranelle
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