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Old 03-08-2005, 10:47 AM   #52
A Hill Giant
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Default you can't do that exactly, but...

Well, forgive me if this is a repeated answer to a possibly repeated question, but I'm currently in the middle of working on a mod and can't get to reading the other 3 pages just yet...

1a. You cannot pull this code out to a separate module because you will get an unavoidable duplicate definition error.

1b. If SOE decided to implement custom overrides on a per-definition basis and not a per-file basis, that would fix this problem, but chances are it's not gonna happen. (And even if it will, that doesn't fix the problem now)

2a. So, the way you have it written, there is no way to modularize this from the code alone.

2b. But, if you look at your modularization problem in another light, the problem actually lies in that you've created an entirely new *windowpieces_03.tga file, and then told the default animation to point to the new file. The "proper" (read: friendliest towards SOE's implementation) way to do this would be to make your graphic changes in the original windowpieces_03.tga, drop that file into your custom folder, and then use the default EQUI_Animations.xml (you don't need a new EQUI_Animations file).

2b(1). This is assuming you haven't changed the dimensions of the graphic from the original windowpieces_03.tga and your new one. I think I can safely assume this because you did a global override and (as I understand your post) didn't change other windows to compensate from a size difference. If you changed the dimensions of the texture, you're SOL from a modularization standpoint.

(just my 2cp)
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